Let’s face it, we live in a world where you can ship a package around the globe over night and email the Magna Carta to everyone in your address book instantly, so the idea of loading your car onto an Auto transport only to have it take over a week to travel coast to coast just doesn’t compute.

But the fact is that shipping a vehicle happens in what you could only call the ‘old fashioned way’. The auto carrier that comes out to pick up and deliver your car is also going to 8 or 9 other new pickup and delivery locations to transport other vehicles just like yours. Add to that the fact that truck drivers are regulated in the number of hours that they can drive on any given day (thank heaven for that) and sometimes it can take a good long time to get your vehicle to it’s destination.

Mental preparation gives you the best chance of having a pleasant experience shipping vehicles. If you go into an auto transport with unrealistic expectations you are almost 100% guaranteed to have a negative experience. Conversely, if you get an honest outlook of what you can reasonably expect from your car moving company, you will save yourself many headaches and so much unnecessary frustration.

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We are happy to breakdown the entire process for you to help you as best we can to have a pleasant car moving experience.

If you’re a planner, then you know if you’re making a move to a location far from where you are then you need to find a car transport company right away. Looking online or in the phonebook, you see that car carriers come a dime a dozen but you want to make the most sound decision on whom to hire. This is important because they’re many companies that tout shipping vehicles out there but provide the worst customer experience and service. They have many sales agents that tell you what you want to hear rather the things you need to hear. So the main key is to retain the auto carrier company that has the most reliable service with a customer service agent that actually cares. Yes I know it does sound preposterous and absurd that auto transport companies care but there are some that actually do. They may not say it, but they show you by taking pride in the care and service they provide to you. If a company takes pride in making you happy, it’s their way of saying they care.

Some questions you may want to ask if whether they are solely open transport providers or do they also provide enclosed methods if you need it.

A question you may want to ask yourself is what's more important, saving time, money or quality service. Of course you will say all three but if there were one that you couldn't do without, what would it be?


To ensure that you are getting the most customer oriented car shipper, then you must make sure that you plan ahead. This will make your experience go a lot more smoothly. A good window to use for auto transporters is generally around four weeks in advance to research and contact companies. When you research and reserve in advance, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to have a great experience. Find out from truly genuine people that you trust about the process of auto shipping and if they’ve had any experiences themselves. They might give you a name or two, but don’t stop there. Go online and start searching car transport services through online searches on words like transport companies, car hauling or car shippers. This gives you a wide range of companies to compare your desired services to.

Another thing to give you the best chance at the best price is talk to many or fill out as many online car carrier quotes as possible. When inquiring about open air or enclosed ask how much of a difference it would make in the final price. Then weigh your options based on this and other factors that you value.

Also, ask about insurance and how thorough is their coverage and take a look at yours. If there are any potential problems that might cause you to come out of pocket for extra cost due to accidents, you may want to reconsider. A bill of laden is signed when you give them your car and again when they return it to you. It lets everyone know what condition the vehicle is in before they received it and again after. So find out the company's process for damage claims. Lastly, make sure that you have a written agreement and also the phone number of the actual driver to correspond with him about any circumstances that arise.

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